Phonetics & Ganit Workshops

A Workshop on Phonetics was conducted in VKV Ramnagar on 19th August 2014. 22 students participated in it. Sri Jayanta Choudhury, Prof. of TT College, was the main resource person in the workshop.

The Vidyalaya also conducted a 4-day Ganit (Maths) workshop where 90 students took part. Dr. Karabi Dutta Choudhury, Associate Professor, Deptt. of Mathematics, Assam University Silchar guided the students in the workshop that was held on 20th December 2014 on 19.08.14 & 20.12.14; VKV Ramnagar.

Report on Teachers’ Workshop (Laipuli, Tinsukia)

“Progress comes from the intelligence use of experience.” - Swami Vivekananda

From 24th feb to 27th Feb, 2014 a teachers’ workshop organized by VKSPV to train the teachers in various aspects of A.B.L. i.e. Activity Based Learning and A.L.M. i.e. Active Learning Methodology. The guest of honour of this workshop was Mr. M.P. Vijay Kumar, who is the man behind this ABL & ALM system. He is a retired I.A.S. officer and he is working as a project director of sarba Shiksha  Abhiyan.(Tamilnadu) 

Borgeet Workshop

VKV Dhemaji Conducted a 10-dy Borgeet Workshop for its students on the Vidyalaya premises. Su. Kalpona Dutta of Dhemaji trained the students in the workshop on 4th to 14th November 2014; VKV Dhemaji

Dental Check-Up Camp

VKV Borojalenga conducted 2 Dental Check-up Camps on 23.09.2014 & 11.11.2014 on the school premises for the students of the Vidyalaya. Dr. Devarati Roy Dutta Choudhury, a renowned dental surgeon of the locality examined more than 200 students of the Vidyalaya on 23.09.2014 & 11.11.2014; VKV Borojalenga.

Art, Craft & Science Workshop

A Workshop on Art, Craft and Science was organised by Versatile Group of Ahmednagar, Maharashtra for the students of classes VI to X of VKV Majuli as well as some selected students of other schools of Majuli.

Apart from the resource persons Dr. Mahesh Mulay and Dr. Anshu from the Versatile Group, Sri Sri Janardan Deb Goswam, Satradhikar of Sri Uttar Kamalabari Satra also encouraged the participants with his presence on 25th - 27th October 2014; VKV Majuli.

Universal Brotherhood day

All the Vidyalayas observed the 121st Anniversary of the Chicago Address by the great patriot saint Swami Vivekananda on 11th September 2014 with programmes like Cultural Meet, Chicago Speech Competition, Patriotic Dance Competition, Patriotic Dance Competion, vivek Geet Competition, Seminers in colleges, Quiz Competition, Women & Youth Awarness Programmes etc on 11th September; all VKVs.

Career Counselling

Su. Anusuwa Kar, a Career Counselor from Guwahati, conducted a Career Counselling programme for the senior students of VKV (NEC) Baragolai on 9th September 2014; 300 senior students.
